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  • Writer's pictureGlendon Hovey

New Designs, New Items

Hello People,

I've put up some new designs for you to enjoy. I hope you like them. Go over to Seaside Tattoo Art and have a look (

Making new designs is perhaps the easiest thing about having this kind of business. Sure, it requires you to come of with fresh ideas or to add your own touch to classic art work and stay within certain genre parameters regarding style, drawing, and colour; but as long as you're paying attention and willing to learn, it can be done. Even by me!

The hard part for me, and it's always been this way, is the business end. My god man, the struggle is real! Marketing in particular. How do you tell people about your goods without sounding like a blowhard? How do you create exposure? I've tried a few things regarding exposure - IG, TikTok, Facebook; but apparently to no avail. I don't expect to attract hordes of people, but a trickle would be nice (insert laugh here).

Perhaps what I'm doing is too arcane. Maybe I'm not good enough at it. Yet. Maybe there is no market for it. I would like to find out.

If this reads like me whining, believe me it's not. That sounds much worse (insert other laugh here). All the same, thanks for taking time to read this. And, if you have any suggestions, don't be shy.


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